- これは, CD プレーヤーはその音質面よりも操作上の特色と形態設計の面で違いがあるというわれわれの調査結果を反映するものである.
this reflects our findings that cd players differ in their operating features and physical layouts rather than their sound quality 意味
- "this recording represents his debut as a singer" 意味
- "this recording was one of the great triumphs of the stereo age" 意味
- "this reduces supply and drives up prices" 意味
- "this reference book combines two functions; it acts both as a dictionary and as an encyclopaedia" 意味
- "this reflected the fact that…" 意味
- "this reflects the opinion of large sections of the community" 意味
- "this reflex is socially conditioned" 意味
- "this reform marks an epoch in education" 意味
- "this regional conflict may erupt into a full-scale war" 意味
- "this reference book combines two functions; it acts both as a dictionary and as an encyclopaedia" 意味
- "this reflected the fact that…" 意味
- "this reflects the opinion of large sections of the community" 意味
- "this reflex is socially conditioned" 意味